Thanks to our local divisions, we reach communities directly and offer help where it is needed. Under the championship of AIA Canada members, the Foundation runs a number of campaigns that provide funding to smaller charities that may otherwise be overlooked. We strive to make our grant making process systematic, rigorous, and as streamlined as possible. Here […]


The AIA High Fives for Kids Foundation (H5s4Ks) offers both grants and scholarships, supporting local or national registered charities that have programs for the benefit of children and youth. The projects funded by H5s4Ks provide training, equipment, experiences, and assistance so that youth and children can reach their full potential. The Foundation also awards scholarships […]


This document has been developed to help ensure that all communications materials produced for the H5s4Ks brand are consistent in look and feel, and support the overall brand. It specifies graphic elements and design grids that will help internal and external designers create a strong family look for H5s4Ks yet still allow room for individual […]


The High Fives for Kids Foundation, which was established in 2005 as a charitable non-profit organization, assists AIA Canada members and divisions in their efforts to support Canadian charities that benefit children and youth by collecting and redistributing funds. We are committed to creating brighter futures for Canadian children and youth by giving them the tools, opportunities, and support they […]